Tag Archives: family
25 years since Chainsaw Monday

It’s hard to believe, 25 years ago Sierra Online closed its doors in Oakhurst California. It was an end to nearly a decade of my life spent with friends that helped shape the man I am today. During this time, we were the biggest PC gaming company in the world, all right here in our little mountain town of Oakhurst.
Cheers to all the survivors of Chainsaw Monday, February 22, 1999!
Chainsaw Monday
Saying goodbye to our little Grizzly Bear

Our beloved Grizzly Bear was diagnosed with lymphoma just after the holidays. His prognosis was just four to six weeks, and we had to prepare ourselves for the worst.
Grizzly has always been a strong boy, very lean and muscular and walked around with a pleasant gait that reminded everyone that he was here to both love and protect us. Grizzly’s sole purpose it seemed was to have everyone home safe and then to protect his family from anyone who drove up our driveway or knocked on our door… and even on occasion he would leap into action if someone on TV happen to knock or ring a doorbell.
But despite this tough boy persona, Grizzly was such a sweet soul to those he loved. He was never really at ease until the entire family was home. Waiting patiently by the window, gazing out to the driveway watching for a familiar vehicle. He would then wait anxiously by the front door and rush out to greet whoever had arrived home.
Grizzly was always ready to play and he had a lot of toys to choose from. From his first toy “Patches” which we still have, some of his favs include “Mr. Bill” which we had to replace often, “Bear Bear” which is still hanging in there, many bags of “Furitos” and the like, and most recently “Ducky”, which he had just received last Christmas.
When we first found out about Grizzly’s condition, we didn’t know what to expect. We knew that Grizzly was a strong boy and he would fight this to the end… and that is just what he did. Grizzly Bear far out lived his initial prognosis by an additional five weeks. He stayed strong as his body changed to a shadow of what he once was, but his devotion never faded. All the way up till the end he was up and ready to protect us when the need arose.
Grizzly Bear left us on March 25th 2023.
Of course, the pain is still fresh and will be for some time. Now it’s just the little things that get me going. Silly instances that the mind had glossed over until they aren’t there, then the heart fills in the blanks. As anyone who has experienced the lost of a beloved family pet, you know what I’m talking about. Daily routines that you’ve done for years that have now disappeared. Each one is a reminder of what we have lost.
Goodbye my baby boy. You have been loved and will forever live in our hearts.
Happy 15th Birthday, my beautiful girl!
So, did you get any snow this year?

Since the truck has been knocked out of commission, the Baby Bronco has been elevated to active duty.
Congratulations to the YHS Mock Trial Team
The Yosemite High School Mock Trial Team is #1 in Madera County, and they’re going to State Finals next month!
Ali has loved every minute of this experience, and we have loved hearing the play by play of the courtroom drama over these past few weeks.
The team received additional personal awards and Ali received an award for Best Defense Witness.
Needless to say we are so proud of this girl, and wish her and the entire team further success as they move forward to their next challenge.
Happy Birthday Grizzly Bear!
Law Day 2022
We’re so proud of this girl!
She won 3rd place at Yosemite Law Day 2022 for her essay about the indigenous people in modern times.
Good job, Ali!
Law Day 2022
Happy Birthday to Bill!
All Hail the Full Size Spare Tire!

This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the optional full size spare tire.
After owning the new Bronco for only a week, my wife found a tire air removal device on the drive home from work. It was so nice to pull out a full size matching spare rather than the little donut options we’ve had in the past.
Now we can run the Baby Bronco normally until we can get the tire fixed.
Update (11/26)
Well wouldn’t you know it? I took the tire into the local shop today to get it plugged and back on the road, but when they were breaking the bead, a part of the sidewall split open. They could not see any damage at all on the outside, but the tear is pretty huge.

I’m heading down to the dealer tomorrow to see if they will cover this as a defect. This poor thing only lasted 824 miles, and now it’s heading to the tire graveyard.
Update on the Update (11/27)
Well, they didn’t warranty the tire, I had to pay full price. The dealer wouldn’t even look into it, just got a quick NO and asked if I wanted to buy a new one. Which is strange as one of the things that stood out during our purchase of the Bronco was that the finance guy specifically mentioned that even the tires are covered against defect.

So, my wife was driving home when the air pressure warning hit. She pulled over immediately and the tire still had enough air for her to think it was an error as it looked fine to her. By the time I got there it was totally flat.
AAA swapped to the spare and I took the tire to our local shop for a plug. The shop said the sidewall split when they broke the bead. So either it was some kind of defect, or the shop damaged it and didn’t take responsibility (which I feel is highly unlikely).