Am I worthy?
Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.
I finally picked up a Hasbro Legends Mjölnir Electronic Hammer. This life-sized replica lights up, makes sounds and will answer if you are worthy.
My wife’s first question, “are you keeping it at home or at work?”… Secretly hoping that my answer would be the later as I ran out of room at home for such things a long time ago.
Looks like Thanos approves of this year’s egg-stravaganza!
Baby gauntlets?
OMG, these cosbaby gauntlets from Hots Toys are adorable. I’m going to try my best to forget that I have seen all the other cute cosbaby characters from Infinity War and Endgame.
Thanos, give me a hand
Missing my official cube “messer upper” at work since he’s been forced to shelter in place at home. Looks like Thanos tried to lend a hand but I don’t think he understood the concept here.
You could not live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Back to me.
Shelter in place… no problem for this guy
Grizz is loving all the people time he’s getting during these crazy stay at home days, and there’s nothing better than a morning nap in front of the fire.
Fits like a glove
Flex Friday… Yup, it’s that time again
This is year four and I’m still going strong.
I took it up a notch this year and joined a local gym where I was pleased to find all sorts of new equipment. It was a bit of a shock at first, going from a smaller garage gym to working out around people I didn’t know. I went from three heavy workouts a week to four, more intense workouts including adding cardio.
I switched from lighter weight more reps, to heavier weight with lower reps. I could tell from the get go that there was a whole new world out there found by making just a few changes to my daily workout routine.
I know I say this every year, but if you are feeling sluggish and lazy, do yourself a favor and get out and start a routine that will revitalize your life. Start slow and move up as you begin feeling better and stronger. You owe it to yourself to make your time on this rock the best it can be, and getting yourself in better shape is a huge start.
I think this next year is going to be the best yet, and I look forward to another year of gains that strengthen both my body and soul.
It seemed like a good idea
So, I was very excited when my wife told me she finally planted a little cactus in my new Thanos Infinity Gauntlet planter I wanted to put on my desk at work. But when I saw the result I immediately realized that bringing this to work would most certainly get me called into HR.
Do you see it yet?
Say hello to my little friend
Oh yeah, I can’t believe I was able to walk into a store and walk out with a California legal full auto “assault style” weapon!
Who needs the “gun show loophole” when these beauties are readily available at your local shop or even online!