30th Anniversary Grave Digger… from roller to remote controller

Well, after getting all the RC’s out and cleaned up this past week, I decided to change this beauty from a simple rolling chassis to a full blown radio controlled beast.

I ordered and installed the last remaining parts needed to truly drive this thing, along with a few visual enhancements to spruce it up, and this monster is finally ready for the road.

Just before the transformation.

Well, actually… it won’t see any dirt, asphalt, gravel, or cement under its wheels and there will definitely be no roll-overs to scratch this beautiful body as this trailer king will only be driven under safe conditions that can only be accommodated by in-door driving.

Too pretty to bash!

Yup, these tires will only be touched by carpet, linoleum and maybe a few wood or tile floors.

Hail to the king, baby!!!

A Baby Bronco just for me!

That’s right, I got tired of the limited seat time I’ve been getting in my wife’s new Bronco Sport so I bought my own.

This bad boy is sporting a high lift, huge off-road tires, gargantuan push bar up front, and this baby is 100% electric.

Charge time is only 30 minutes which produces about 20 minutes of drive time. Needless to say I’ll be spending most of my drive time close to home.

If you happen to see me out and about in this beauty, make sure you say hi and give us a big thumbs up as you pass by! ??

Update (2/4)

I was so excited to find one in Cyber Orange, and it’s an actual Badlands Edition!!!

Cyber Orange Badlands Edition!!!

Don’t they look cute together?

I’ve decided to keep both and only drive the Cyber Orange Baby Bronco on Sundays!

Flex Friday… Getting back into the groove

See my journey

Sure, 2020 was a complete mess, but things didn’t get too much better in 2021. Still dealing with restrictions forced upon us by the virus debacle, I wasn’t able to get back into the gym until late March.

It was such a wonderful feeling getting back into the gym, and getting back into my groove. Unfortunately, the time off and lack of motivation really took its toll on my knees and ankles. That’s right, I said ankles. I’ve been dealing with knee issues for some time, but ankles? This is something new… I don’t recommend getting old my friends.

Anyway, I couldn’t believe how much was lost, and how tough it was going to be to just get back to where I was before all this mess. I started off slow, and very frustrated. I wanted to do so much more but just couldn’t find the strength, and my endurance was totally shot. After settling down a bit and realizing nothing was going to happen overnight, I relaxed my mind and slowly began to regain the strength that was lost. Just as I started reaching many new goals and feeling better and stronger than ever, life got in the way. I fell out of my normal routine due to community obligations as well as my personal health.

Unfortunately, I hit another low.

It was pretty hard to take. Surprisingly, prior to this I had been hitting goals and lifting weight I have never lifted before. Things were looking good for hitting the goals I made for myself by the end of the year. It’s funny how frustrated you can get when you know that with every day or week that goes by, you are losing more and more of the hard work you’ve put in. When I was finally able to get back to a regular schedule, I was again surprised at how much was lost so quickly. After coming back the first time and hitting highs like never before, I found that once again I had to start well below where I thought I’d be.

This time I was more prepared for how long it would take me to get back to the weight I was lifting before. I’m still not quite there, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m feeling healthier and stronger everyday, and I feel confident that I will hit and quite possibly exceed the goals I had missed last year.

Let’s go 2022, I’m ready!!!

All Hail the Full Size Spare Tire!

This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the optional full size spare tire.

After owning the new Bronco for only a week, my wife found a tire air removal device on the drive home from work. It was so nice to pull out a full size matching spare rather than the little donut options we’ve had in the past.

Now we can run the Baby Bronco normally until we can get the tire fixed.

Update (11/26)

Well wouldn’t you know it? I took the tire into the local shop today to get it plugged and back on the road, but when they were breaking the bead, a part of the sidewall split open. They could not see any damage at all on the outside, but the tear is pretty huge.

Huge rip in the sidewall

I’m heading down to the dealer tomorrow to see if they will cover this as a defect. This poor thing only lasted 824 miles, and now it’s heading to the tire graveyard.

Update on the Update (11/27)

Well, they didn’t warranty the tire, I had to pay full price. The dealer wouldn’t even look into it, just got a quick NO and asked if I wanted to buy a new one. Which is strange as one of the things that stood out during our purchase of the Bronco was that the finance guy specifically mentioned that even the tires are covered against defect.

Back on the road in full regalia

So, my wife was driving home when the air pressure warning hit. She pulled over immediately and the tire still had enough air for her to think it was an error as it looked fine to her. By the time I got there it was totally flat.

AAA swapped to the spare and I took the tire to our local shop for a plug. The shop said the sidewall split when they broke the bead. So either it was some kind of defect, or the shop damaged it and didn’t take responsibility (which I feel is highly unlikely).

Buckin’ Bronco!

Well, look what we did!!!

Had to take out a 30 year loan for this bad boy, but say hello to our new 2021 Ford Bronco Sport, Badlands Edition.

This thing has so many new gizmos and gadgets, we’re going to spend the next year just trying to figure everything out!

Axe-cellent night at Yosemite Axe Throwing!

OMG, I had such a great night at Yosemite Axe Throwing during the Summer League Tournament. I’m so thankful that we have such a fun event in our small mountain community! I’ve been hooked from the start and look forward to competing again in the fall league.

If you’re in the area and are looking for something different to do, please join us on Tuesday nights for our fun and family friendly league.

-> Yosemite Axe Throwing

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