It’s a Nicky Hayden father’s day
Now you see ’em… Now you don’t!
Fun times at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.
The Big Kahuna rides again!
Getting all my ducks in a row…
Had lunch with this little cutie today
Just added a touch of green as pink and green are my daughter’s favorite colors.
This thing is quick and handles like a dream.
Can’t wait to get this thing out to the big jumps this weekend.
Just picked up this pair of dice from a galaxy far, far away.
Replicas of Han’s dice that were hanging in the falcon in the original trilogy.
They have since changed them to the dice displaying the Aurebesh text in the new films but I wanted to stay true to the origin, so I was thankful to find these original style dice.
I was planning on hanging them in the truck, like they were in the Falcon, but they feel very happy in the nice little Star Wars bag so I might have to keep them on display in my den.
Huge score at the local clutter clearance today
I stole these like new Traxxas Slash and Rustler, controllers, batteries and chargers at a local clutter clearance. Best deal ever!!!!
Need to get all the trucks out to the big jumps soon!
Another new mug

This was given to me by my workout buddy.
This may have been true for Bill 1.0, but Bill 2.0 hasn’t punch anybody yet. Hmmm, maybe my workouts do help.
My wife made me get rid of a few old mugs because there is no more room in the cabinet.