Category Archives: Truck
Diesel Dreams and Cybertruck Memes

Forget sleek angles, futuristic promises and range anxiety – I’m here to celebrate the rumble of a good ol’ Ford diesel. My channel isn’t about chasing the latest trends; it’s about the grit, the power, and the undeniable charm of a truck that works as hard as you do.
Yeah, I might not have a Cybertruck in my driveway, but that doesn’t mean my adventures are any less epic. From hauling stuff and towing other stuff, my trusty Ford and I tackle it all. This channel is my way of sharing those adventures, the lessons I’ve learned along the way, and maybe even a few laughs.
So, if you’re tired of the electric hype and crave the smell of diesel in the morning, hop on board!
My Non-Cyber Life
My second meme!!!!
Well that didn’t take long… Unleash the beast!!!
While I was recently digging through and organizing my RC parts, I was surprised to find a stock Traxxas motor. I must be getting old because I can’t remember why I had an extra, but I hooked it up and it seems to work great.
I picked up an old school Traxxas speed controller (ESC) super cheap and hooked it up to a radio receiver I also had lying around. I tried to keep it simple by keeping the chassis all black but when I swapped around a few different shocks from the other trucks, I really dug the looks of the blue springs with this body.
I just fixed a broken controller which I also had stuffed in the bowels of my parts bin. You see honey, I knew I should keep it all these years just in case I needed it one day… well today is the day and now the truck is officially complete.

Yup, just like my fancy 30th Anniversary Grave Digger, these tires will only be touched by carpet, linoleum and maybe a few wood or tile floors.
Hail to the one that started it all, baby!!!
The one that started it all!
The first monster truck, Bigfoot, started out as a family Ford F-250 pickup which was modified until the tires reached 66 inches, as well as adding heavy duty suspension and four-wheel steering.
Often seen crushing regular cars under its weight, this humungous truck provide a thrilling source of entertainment that was loved across the US and beyond.

I was thrilled to see that Traxxas brought this classic to their lineup a few years ago, but I just couldn’t see spending the money on yet another Traxxas Stampede with a fancy shell. Well after patiently waiting for years, and searching eBay for just the right price, I finally purchased the shell and built this roller using 90% parts I already had. I even found an incredible price on a LED light set that is only found on the most recently released version.
It’s just a roller now, no motor, computer(ESC) or controller… but let’s be honest here, I’m sure this thing will be 100% up and running before you know it. 🙂

I’ll be perusing eBay for the remaining parts needed for the beast and digging through what’s left of my parts in the hopes of finding anything else I can use for the build.
Hopefully soon this thing will be fully functional.
30th Anniversary Grave Digger… from roller to remote controller
Well, after getting all the RC’s out and cleaned up this past week, I decided to change this beauty from a simple rolling chassis to a full blown radio controlled beast.
I ordered and installed the last remaining parts needed to truly drive this thing, along with a few visual enhancements to spruce it up, and this monster is finally ready for the road.

Well, actually… it won’t see any dirt, asphalt, gravel, or cement under its wheels and there will definitely be no roll-overs to scratch this beautiful body as this trailer king will only be driven under safe conditions that can only be accommodated by in-door driving.

Yup, these tires will only be touched by carpet, linoleum and maybe a few wood or tile floors.
Hail to the king, baby!!!
Fits like a glove
Step right up!
My daughter is loving the fancy new steps on the old beast. These things swing down nice and low, then tuck up tight underneath and out of sight.
They even light up so it’s easy to see them during our dark mountain nights.
Some days I just love my commute
Fueling the fire
I would like to thank the voters of the State of California who voted against repealing the recent tax increase, and for handing over the ability to raise these taxes without further voter approval.
Still waiting for nice new roads and bridges… Oh, but I hear they are working around the clock to finish up the train to nowhere.
Oh, and my tank still isn’t full, the pump just shut off at $100.