Author Archives: Michele
Congratulations to the YHS Mock Trial Team
The Yosemite High School Mock Trial Team is #1 in Madera County, and they’re going to State Finals next month!
Ali has loved every minute of this experience, and we have loved hearing the play by play of the courtroom drama over these past few weeks.
The team received additional personal awards and Ali received an award for Best Defense Witness.
Needless to say we are so proud of this girl, and wish her and the entire team further success as they move forward to their next challenge.
Happy Birthday Grizzly Bear!
Law Day 2022
We’re so proud of this girl!
She won 3rd place at Yosemite Law Day 2022 for her essay about the indigenous people in modern times.
Good job, Ali!
Law Day 2022
Happy Birthday to Bill!
First Outdoor Movie Night of 2021!
We rocked the neighborhood tonight watching “Real Steel” and had a fun first movie night of the season.

Such a great heart-warming family movie full of action and humor, filling the night with laughter and cheers. I hope we didn’t bother the neighbors too much. 🙂
Cutest Easter Bunny Ever!
Yesterday we wrapped up our online Easter Basket auction and brought some joy to our community.
It was a good day!
Thank you to our wonderful community, Soroptimist members, Sue Graham of Oakhurst Giftworks for use of her front porch, and the best Easter Bunny ever, our daughter Ali. ??
Our baby girl turns 13
What a great day, celebrating Alison’s 13th birthday.
How did this happen?
She’s a teenager!
She had a great day and a great party at Yosemite Axe Throwing, and we’re so thankful to our friends and family who love on her so much, and who help shape the young woman she’s becoming.
We love you all ??
Warning… Proud Mom post!
I took Ali through the drive-thru award ceremony at school today.
She earned President’s Honor Roll for 4.0 and Perfect Attendance for the 3rd Quarter!